TMP Podcast #7 – Maine’s Election Process Part I: The Municipal Players, Election Day & Absentee Voting

This episode goes in deep on Maine’s Election process at the municipal level.  I explain the specific roles and responsibilities of those involved in pulling of a Maine Election on both Election Day & the 3 Months of Absentee Voting leading up to Election Day.

We get even deeper exploring the rules around 3rd parties helping voters cast absentee, how “Get Out The Vote” groups get your address and the legality of making copies of blank ballots vs. making copies of completed ballots. Continue Reading Below For  Sources & Show Notes.

Sources & Show Notes:

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Title 21-A Highlighted Show Notes Copy

Show Notes – TMP Podcast #3 – November Election Follow-up: Finding Biden’s Base

Show Notes – TMP Podcast #4 – Who Voted for Joe Biden & What’s Counting Our Votes?

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