Committee To Hear Testimony On Several Rank-Choice Voting Bills

The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs has scheduled public hearings this Wednesday for 6 different Rank-Choice Voting (RCV) bills

Three of the bills call for constitutional amendments designed to strengthen the RCV method in Maine while another calls for a moratorium on RCV until an amendment is passed.  One bill wants each congressional district to decide for themselves to use RCV or not an another seeks to repeal RCV  completely.  Information from the proposed bills can be found below.

LD 1365 – RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Provide for the Election of the Governor by Majority Vote. Sponsor: Rep.Christopher W. Babbidge (D-Kennebunk) (Co-sponsors)

This resolution proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to require that the Governor be elected by majority vote.

LD 1196 – RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Implement Ranked-choice Voting. Sponsored by Sen. Justin Chenette (D-York) (Co-Sponsors)

This resolution proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to require candidates for the political offices of Governor, State Senator and State Representative to be elected by a majority of the votes cast for that office.

LD 1477 – RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Facilitate the Use of Ranked-choice Voting for Governor and Members of the Legislature. Sponsored by Rep. Janice Cooper (D-Yarmouth) (Co-sponsor)

This resolution proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Maine to allow the Legislature, or the people by using the direct initiative, to determine whether the Governor, State Senators and State Representatives are elected by a plurality or majority of the votes.

LD 1447 – An Act To Simplify Voting in Maine by Placing a Moratorium on Ranked-choice Voting. Sponsored by Rep. Dustin White (R-Washburn) (Co-Sponsors)

This bill suspends the use of ranked-choice voting until elections held after December 1, 2023. The bill provides that the laws governing ranked-choice voting are repealed December 1, 2023 unless the Constitution of Maine is amended to authorize the Legislature to determine the method by which the Governor and members of the Legislature are elected.

LD 1454 – An Act Concerning Elections in Maine Congressional Districts.  Sponsored by Rep. Richard Bradstreet (R-Vassalboro) (Co-Sponsors)

This bill provides that the voters of a congressional district must determine by referendum vote the method used in that congressional district to elect their Representative to Congress. The voters of a congressional district may choose to elect their Representative to Congress by plurality voting or by ranked-choice voting. The bill requires that such a referendum be held in each congressional district on a date established by the Secretary of State, but not later than 180 days after the effective date of the legislation.

LD 1213 – An Act To Repeal the Ranked-choice Voting Law. Sponsored by Rep.Joel Stetkis (R-Canaan) (Co-Sponsors)

This bill repeals the laws governing ranked-choice voting.