Work Session for Bill Prohibiting Covid-19 Vax Mandates in Maine Scheduled for January 20th

The Committee on Health and Human Services recently held a public hearing for LD 867, an emergency bill prohibiting mandatory covid-19 vaccinations in the state.  If passed, covid-19 vaccination mandates would be forbidden for 5 years, starting from when the emergency use authorizations were first enacted, to allow for safety testing and investigations into possible reproductive harm.…

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TMP Podcast #8 – New England Clean Energy Connect Project Part III: HydroQuebec & The Environmental Cost of Clean Energy

This is the final part of a 3 part series looking  at the New England Clean Energy Connect Project.  This episode looks at Hydro-Quebec and a handful of their largest hydroelectric facilities;  The Beaurharnois, The Bersimis, The Manic-Outardes, The Romaine and James Bay Projects.  The episode also looks into the environmental cost of this type of clean energy for the local environment and for the entire region. Continue Reading Below for Sources & Show Notes

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DS 200 Tabulators and The State of Maine

At the End of TMP Podcast #7 – Maine Election Process Part 1, I mentioned 3 documents Id be using for Part 2 and that because it would be some time before Ill pull a show together for Part 2, I would put these up in the meantime for anyone wishing to see them.  They are….

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TMP Podcast #7 – Maine’s Election Process Part I: The Municipal Players, Election Day & Absentee Voting

This episode goes in deep on Maine’s Election process at the municipal level.  I explain the specific roles and responsibilities of those involved in pulling of a Maine Election on both Election Day & the 3 Months of Absentee Voting leading up to Election Day.

We get even deeper exploring the rules around 3rd parties helping voters cast absentee, how “Get Out The Vote” groups get your address and the legality of making copies of blank ballots vs. making copies of completed ballots. Continue Reading Below For  Sources & Show Notes.

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Democrat Craig Hickman declared winner in March 9th Special Election

The Secretary of State’s office has released the certified results from the Senate District 14 Special Election showing Democrat Craig Hickman as the winner.

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Special Election for State Senate District 14 Scheduled for March 9th

Governor Mills declared a special election for Senate District 14 to be held March 9th.  There are two candidates running for the vacated position; Republican William Guerette and Democrat Craig Hickman.

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TMP Podcast #6 – New England Clean Energy Connect Project Part II: The Companies Pushing for the Project

This is Part II of the TMP Podcast’s analysis of the NECEC Project.  In this episode we focus on the 5 companies pushing for this project.  Their history, subsidiaries and what their presence within New England’s energy market looks like. Continue Reading Below for show sources.

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TMP Podcast #5 – New England Clean Energy Connect Analysis Part I: How the NECEC Got Legs

This episode is the first part in a series looking at the New England Clean Energy Connect Project.  In this part we look at how, exactly, a project like the NECEC gets legs in the first place.  How does New England’s wholesale electricity market work & what’s happening in Massachusetts to spur this project forward?  Continue Reading Below for show sources.

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Sen. Collins Dodged Instant Run-Off By Less Than 1% and Got Less Than 20% of Maine’s Military Ballots

Despite defeating her main competitor, Democrat Sara Gideon, by 8.5 % in the November 3rd election, Susan Collins avoided an Instant-Run Off by only .4 percent. Her 50.42% majority victory is a far cry from her 2014 re-election bid when she carried 67% percent of the state-wide popular vote and got over 60% of each county’s popular vote.

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TMP Podcast #4 – Who Voted for Joe Biden & What’s Counting Our Votes?

In this episode we use Maine’s Secretary of State Election data to look at the top 5 counties where Biden’s surge in support came from.  We also take a look at the vote tabulator machines use by over half of Maine’s communities and their known security issues.  Continue Reading Below for Episode Sources.

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TMP Podcast #3 – November Election Follow-up: Finding Biden’s Base

Biden got record breaking support in Maine in the November election and in this episode. we’re going to dig at where, exactly, his support came from. We’ll take a hard look at the Associated Press election projections and also take a look at Secretary of State’s voter registration data and party enrollment shifts in Maine since the 2016 Presidential election. Continue Reading Below for Episode’s Voter Enrollment Data Sources.

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TMP Podcast #2 – Maine’s November 3rd Election Results Shakedown

On the second episode of The Maine Polis Podcast we take a in depth look at the result in Maine’s November 3rd Election. Starting with what’s changed and what’s staying the same in Maine’s legislature and then we’ll examine the results of Maine’s federal elections.

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TMP Podcast #1 Sara Gideon’s Time at the State House

On the first episode of the Maine Polis Podcast we take a closer look at Sara Gideon’s record in the Maine State House. Gideon is running for a senate seat against incumbent Susan Collins, Lisa Savage and Max Lin.



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Report finds 5 Maine Counties Have Voter Registrations Exceeding Voter-Age Populations

A Judicial Watch report released last month found that Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Hancock, Lincoln and Waldo counties all had voter registrations exceeding their total eligible voter populations. The study compared publicly available voter registration data to the Census’s American Community Survey data from 2014-2018.

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Update: RSU 16 Reconfiguration Talks Set Aside For Now, But Board Still Blunders Budget

Approximately 85 community members, made up of teachers, parents & bus drivers packed the PRHS Library for the March 9th School board meeting.

While the subject of school configuration was not listed on the agenda, Board Chair Mary Martin allowed several parents to speak on the matter and express their concerns regarding plans to reconfigure the district’s 3 elementary schools.

During this question and comment period, Martin stated that…

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Residents Upset With Move to Reconfigure District’s 3 Community Elementary schools.

The parents of Maine School District RSU 16 (Poland, Mechanic Falls & Minot), have recently become aware of an administrative plan to eliminate the district’s three community based, preK-6th grade elementary schools in order to reconfigure the grade-span of each building to only include 2 – 3 grades each. 

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Legislative Council Considering Hundreds of Bills for Legislature’s Second Session

Senators and Representatives have submitted a total of 397 bill requests for The Legislative Council’s consideration during the current legislative session.

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Legislature Supports Bill requiring CMP’s Clean Energy Connect project get town approvals first

UPDATE:  After reconsidering LD 1363 on May 22nd, the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology (the committee) provided three different options for the legislature’s consideration.

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Committee Hearings Now Required for Citizen-Initiated Legislation Before Being Allowed On Ballot

UPDATE: After Passage in the Senate on May 15, Governor Mills signed LD 1209, a bill requiring all citizen-initiated legislation (referendums) face committee hearings prior to being allowed on a ballot, into law on May 23.

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Additional 25 Bills Become Law With Mills’ Signature

Governor Janet Mills has signed the following into law:

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